Best Tech for Your Postgres GraphQL API: Supabase, Hasura, PostGraphile, or Apollo/Prisma?

Blair Jordan
4 min read2 days ago


When building a Postgres GraphQL API, choosing the right technology stack is crucial to your project’s success. Having worked with Supabase, Apollo/Prisma, PostGraphile, and Hasura across various industries — including medtech, fintech, gaming, and education — I’ve navigated complex authorization challenges and scaled GraphQL APIs to meet demanding requirements. While there are several other options available, these four tools have emerged as the frontrunners in the space.

In this article, we’ll explore the strengths and limitations of each option to help you make the best decision for your project.


Supabase offers a robust platform for rapid API development, integrating several tools to streamline the development process. The GraphQL support is enabled via the pg_graphql plugin, which generates a GraphQL API from your Postgres schema.

Key Features:

  • Built-in authentication and authorization
  • Automatic API generation
  • Integrated hosting solutions
  • Real-time subscriptions (via Realtime API, not GraphQL)
  • Storage capabilities for large files
  • Edge Functions for custom server-side logic


  • Quick Setup: Supabase’s extensive built-in features enable rapid development.
  • Security: Utilizes Row-Level Security (RLS) for granular access control.
  • User Management: Comprehensive documentation simplifies managing users.
  • Integrations: Supports integrations with services like Stripe through pre-configured foreign data wrappers.
  • Full Postgres Database: Each project gets a complete Postgres database with full capabilities.


  • Lack of GraphQL Subscriptions: Supabase doesn’t offer GraphQL subscription functionality, though it supports real-time updates via its Realtime API.
  • GraphQL Focus: While evolving, the GraphQL functionality may feel secondary compared to other features.
  • Customization: Offers less flexibility in customizing GraphQL compared to alternatives.
  • Potential Vendor Lock-In: The integrated ecosystem might lead to dependency on Supabase’s services.


Apollo and Prisma are often used together to create robust GraphQL APIs, with Prisma handling database operations and Apollo serving as the GraphQL server.

Key Features:

  • Prisma: ORM with automatic model generation
  • Apollo: Flexible GraphQL server implementation
  • TypeScript support with strong type safety
  • Prisma Studio for visual database management


  • Excellent Model Generation: Prisma generates models automatically from your database schema.
  • Solid Migration Tools: Easy database management with Prisma’s migration tools.
  • Widely Adopted: Apollo is a well-supported GraphQL server with a large ecosystem.
  • Type Safety: Prisma provides strong type-safety guarantees in the TypeScript ecosystem.
  • Performance Optimization: Apollo offers tools for query performance analysis and optimization.


  • Manual Resolver Definition: Every query, mutation, and subscription requires custom resolvers, which can add complexity and development time compared to auto-generated solutions.
  • Learning Curve: Steeper learning curve for developers unfamiliar with GraphQL.
  • Fewer Guardrails: It’s easy for teams to implement functionality that works but may be suboptimal or not adhere to best practices, leading to technical debt.
  • Separate DSL for Data Models: Prisma uses its own data definition language, which some developers may find limiting, especially if you prefer working directly at the SQL layer.


PostGraphile takes a unique approach by automatically generating a GraphQL API from your PostgreSQL schema.

Key Features:

  • Automatic GraphQL API generation from PostgreSQL
  • Plugin system for extending functionality
  • Support for subscriptions and live queries


  • Rapid Setup: Requires minimal configuration to get started.
  • Performance and Customizability: Known for its high performance and flexibility in customizing the API.
  • Out-of-the-Box Schema Generation: Automatically generates a comprehensive API based on your database schema.
  • Community Support: Strong community, particularly active on Discord, and ongoing development.
  • Flexible Deployment: Can be served with Apollo, Express, or standalone.
  • Pro License: Affordable pro license with advanced features.


  • PostgreSQL Focus: Only suited for PostgreSQL databases.
  • Future Uncertainty: The upcoming PostGraphile V5 is currently in a state of flux, and the project relies heavily on a single maintainer, which raises concerns about long-term support.


Hasura is a GraphQL engine that connects to multiple data sources and automatically generates a GraphQL API.

Key Features:

  • Multi-database support
  • Real-time subscriptions
  • Role-based access control
  • Declarative metadata for API composition


  • Comprehensive Solution: Full-fledged option with strong documentation and support.
  • Authentication Integration: Excellent for integrating with various authentication services.
  • Multiple Data Sources: Supports integration with multiple databases and other data sources.
  • Supergraph Architecture: Facilitates connection between data sources and APIs using a declarative approach.


  • Cost: Can be expensive for enterprise-level licensing, especially in multi-region setups.
  • Authorization Complexity: Can be limiting for complex authorization requirements.
  • Learning Curve: Steeper learning curve for advanced features.


Each of these technologies offers unique benefits and challenges for creating Postgres GraphQL APIs. Your choice should depend on several factors:

  • Project requirements and complexity
  • Team expertise and familiarity with the tools
  • Budget constraints
  • Scalability needs
  • Integration requirements with existing systems

By carefully weighing the pros and cons of each option, you can choose the technology that best aligns with your project’s needs and sets you up for success.

Remember that while these tools offer powerful features, they each have their own approach to solving common API development challenges. Consider your specific use case, development team’s skills, and long-term maintenance requirements when making your decision.



Blair Jordan

With 17 years in software and a focus on databases, I run Dev Mode—helping clients optimize data architectures and performance.